Study by ATHENE Scientist published in A* rated journal

How do different types of so-called nudges, small "nudges" that try to move us to a decision in a more or less subtle way, influence our cybersecurity decisions?

This was investigated by the ATHENE Scientist Verena Zimmermann from TU Darmstadt and Prof. Karen Renaud from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland.

Their observations and results are summarized in the article “The Nudge Puzzle: Matching Nudge Interventions to Cybersecurity Decisions”, which was recently published in the A * -rated journal ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

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ATHENE researcher in the Program Committee of ARES 2021

Prof. Christian Reuter from TU Darmstadt is one of the Program Committee Members of the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES for short) 2021. The international conference highlights the various aspects of security - with a special focus on the crucial link between availability, reliability and security.

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ATHENE: Security

Eine wesen­tliche Aufgabe von ATHENE besteht darin, zu mehr Cybersicherheit und Privatsphärenschutz für die digitale Transformation von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung beizutragen. Im Fokus unserer anwendungsorientierten Forschung arbeiten wir an neuen Er­kennt­nissen und Ergebnissen etwa durch die Entwicklung neuer Tech­no­logien, Methoden oder Konzepten. Dabei decken wir eine große Bandbreite von Fragestellungen ab.

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ATHENE-Prize 2020: ATHENE researcher receives honorary prize for interdisciplinary teachings

Every year, the Carlo and Karin Giersch-Stiftung at the TU Darmstadt awards the “Athene-Preis für gute Lehre” worth 46.000 euros. With this prize, the TU Darmstadt recognises outstanding best-practice-models in the area of teaching. This year’s special prize for interdisciplinary teachings goes to ATHENE researcher Prof. Christian Reuter.

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ATHENE researcher receives IANUS Prize 2020

Seven excellent submissions from seven different departments at the TU Darmstadt reached the final round for the IANUS Prize 2020 – a prize the TU Darmstadt awards for outstanding qualifying work in any department at the university. Two applicants were awarded first place. The first prize, doted with 500 euros, was awarded to ATHENE researcher Dr. Marc-André Kaufhold, M.Sc., for his dissertation “Information Refinement Technologies for Crisis Informatics: User Expectations and Design Implications for Social Media and Mobile Apps in Crisis”.

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In the media: ATHENE researcher talks crisis-proof infrastructures

How crisis-proof are our digital infrastructures? The Hessischer Rundfunk programme “alles wissen” investigates this question. Prof. Matthias Hollick, head of the project EmergenCITY at the TU Darmstadt, says, “I don’t think that there are many catastrophes waiting to happen. On the other hand, we are indeed endangered by catastrophes at any time.” He continues that especially the Covid-19 crisis shows how crises can emerge out of nowhere and require learning proper handling amidst such a crisis.

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ATHENE researcher confirmed for FONAS board until 2022

ATHENE researcher Thea Riebe has been confirmed as board member for FONAS in this year’s general meeting on 14 September 2020, for two more years until 2022. In 2018, Riebe was voted into the board of FONAS for the first time.

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ATHENE researchers at TU Darmstadt discover weaknesses in WLAN and Bluetooth chips

The ATHENE researchers Prof. Matthias Hollick and Dr. -Ing. Jiska Classen from the TU Darmstadt, cooperating with and Prof. Francesco Gringoli from the University of Brescia, Italy, have discovered vulnerabilities in chips that have not been given much attention by IT security research so far. The three IT security experts were able to show that hacker attacks via Bluetooth can escalate to the point where the damage transcends the original spot of occurrence and affects other areas.

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Success for ATHENE researchers

ATHENE members from the contributing research institutions Fraunhofer SIT and TU Darmstadt were successfully able to place no less than ten papers at the “International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security”, ARES for short. ARES highlights different aspects of security, focusing mainly on the crucial connection between availability, reliability and security.

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Wise counsel for cybersecurity publishes first report

The “Weisenrat für Cyber-Sicherheit” (wise counsel) by the Cyber Security Cluster Bonn gives recommendations on improved security during the digital transformation to the politics and economics departments in its first report. ATHENE researcher Prof Matthias Hollick of the TU Darmstadt is one of six members of the counsel. He describes the thematic as the focus on how future cities have to be constructed to raise resilience and security for critical information and communication structures while simultaneously securing its citizens’ privacy.

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